Blue homes have become more and more popular throughout the past several years. A blue exterior gives an updated look, which many people strive to achieve. Whether it be through muted, subtle blues, or loud bright blue tones, the trend has emerged in all styles of homes. We have compiled a gallery of some of our favorite blue exteriors to help inspire you!

Castle Cove
Catalina Limestone

Shore Cliff Chief Joseph

Summit Uintah Ledgestone
Echo Ridge Country Ledgestone

Echo Ridge Country Ledgestone

Built & Designed By Millhaven Homes

 Dakota Gray Tumbled
Dakota Gray Tumbled

Slate Dry Stone

Stirling Dry Stone

Slate Uintah Ledgestone

Dove Gray Thin Brick

Midnight Uintah Ledgestone


Do you love the blue trend? Does your home need a face lift? Our design and sales team is here to help! Come into one of our Showrooms & Design Centers to get started on your beautiful new home!

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