Trappers Cabins

Where are you spending your holiday vacation this year?

Park City, a main tourist destination in Utah is known for it’s outstanding resorts and vacation homes paired with “the Greatest Snow on Earth” and the “Life Elevated” world-class mountain lifestyle. The Promontory community in Park City offers permanent homes, second homes and vacation homes, as well as a resort package and experience for those who only wish to drop in for a few days and stay in one of their luxurious Trappers cabin homes.

The Promontory Stay and Play package puts guests up in one of the three models — “Astor”, “Bridger”, & “Carson — of their three bedroom luxury Trapper’s Cabins. Along with fine dining, golfing, skiing and many other amenities and activities these cabins also feature some of the best home exterior finishes on the market. From the roofing and wood siding, to of course their stone. Each of the cabins feature one of two special and specific Merrilstone natural thin cut stone blends.

If you’re looking for the perfect stone for your cabin, country, mountain, or rustic style home, or just looking to elevate your current home via a remodel, this special stone blend could be the perfect match for you.

80Dakota Gray Tumbled-15 Cherry Creek-5Purple Tumbled-Over Grouted Light Prairie Dust-Trappers Cabins 10

The first stone blend contains a broad spectrum of color from grays to browns, to maroons and taupes and tans.

80Dakota Gray Tumbled-15 Cherry Creek-5Purple Tumbled-Over Grouted Light Prairie Dust-Trappers Cabins 09

Natural stone ledge sills add a functional and stylistic element to cap the stone wainscoting.

80Dakota Gray Tumbled-15 Cherry Creek-5Purple Tumbled-Over Grouted Light Prairie Dust-Trappers Cabins 14

Natural stone pavers on the patios, porches, and walkways highlight the entryways and bring the organic feel of the home full circle, tying the cabins in with their mountainous surroundings.

80Dakota Gray Tumbled-15 Cherry Creek-5Purple Tumbled-Over Grouted Light Prairie Dust-Trappers Cabins 02

Along with this stone and accessories masons used a lightly colored over-grout mortar joint to emphasize the more vintage, rugged, and rustic style of the application.

80Dakota Gray Tumbled-15 Cherry Creek-5Purple Tumbled-Over Grouted Light Prairie Dust-Trappers Cabins 03 80Dakota Gray Tumbled-15 Cherry Creek-5Purple Tumbled-Over Grouted Light Prairie Dust-Trappers Cabins 04

80Dakota Gray Tumbled-15 Cherry Creek-5Purple Tumbled-Over Grouted Light Prairie Dust-Trappers Cabins 05 80Dakota Gray Tumbled-15 Cherry Creek-5Purple Tumbled-Over Grouted Light Prairie Dust-Trappers Cabins 13

80Dakota Gray Tumbled-15 Cherry Creek-5Purple Tumbled-Over Grouted Light Prairie Dust-Trappers Cabins 25

The second stone blend used on these cabins is more simple in color than the first but fits the application just as well.

  Cambridge 26 - Trappers

The light and medium shade warm tones in this stone, predominantly tans, taupes, rusts and browns.

Cambridge 28 - Trappers

In contrast to the first stone blend, this stone is laid dry-stacked instead of over-grout.

Cambridge 31 - Trappers

Yet similar to the previous blend, this stone was paired gorgeous natural stone accessories including pavers and sills.

Cambridge 38 - Trappers

For more information on these stone blends, please contact one of HHDU’s Stone Divisions and Design Centers in Orem or Salt Lake City.

We would love to help make you dreams of a perfect home inside and out come true.

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