Photo Aug 12, 9 09 20 AMThe Rocky Cliff Uintah Ledgestone is a great stone to choose from when making your color selections for your home. Why? you ask? Because it has a rich neutral color pallet that is both simple and versatile. This stone contains many shades of gray, taupe, and tan which goes well with just about any color you choose for your other siding textures for your home. Specifically it goes very well with many shades of grays and darker blue.

As you can see on this house pictured (on the left and below), these homeowners paired the stone with both a cool gray and a darker navy blue and white trim and accents.

See for yourself:

Photo Aug 12, 9 09 38 AM   Photo Aug 12, 9 09 50 AM

On this south western style home in St. George, Utah, the rocky cliff is paired with an earthy gray color.

Rocky Cliff Uintah Ledgestone 08 Rocky Cliff Uintah Ledgestone 11 Rocky Cliff Uintah Ledgestone 12

On this home, they have solely paired it with blue as their other main body color, and with a dark gray colored roof shingle that ties it all together.

Rocky Cliff Uintah Ledgestone 16- 3714 Arches Park Road South Jordan

And back to a more earthy gray with a taupe-green-brown undertone to it.

Rocky Cliff Uintah Ledgestone 18 - 3732 Bryce Canyon Drive South Jordan

And finally, just a light, true gray pallet.

Rockycliff Uintah Ledgestone 34

The Rocky Cliff coloring surprisingly goes well with taupes, browns, and tans too. That’s another post for another day though. If you have any questions about the rocky cliff, stop by one of your stone divisions and design centers today, or give us a call!

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